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Useful Links

Useful resources and links will be added here. Please send us your information and we will slowly build this into a library for your reference. This can include:

  • Support Organisations
  • Information resources
  • Residential Support
  • … and more.

For starters here are a few :

Dementia Challengers

The purpose of this website is to signpost you to other information which you can find online. There are some great resources out there! I haven't replicated any of the information you can find, just shown you where it is and told you a little about the content so you can decide for yourself what you wish to use. It's a signposting website. Many of the pages contain a narrative from myself or another carer, to put things into context.

Age Action Alliance

The Age Action Alliance is an independent partnership of organisations, which has adopted a new approach to the challenges of ageing, focused very clearly on finding practical solutions to improve the lives of the most disadvantaged older people. It currently has over 700 member organisations drawn from all sectors of society. Age Action Alliance - improving older people’s lives...together.

Mindful Gifts

Mindful Gifts CIC specialises in gift ideas and adult appropriate activities that are suitable for people with dementia and older people that has a positive impact on wellbeing. Gifts includes; large piece jigsaws, adult painting books, TwiddleMuffs, life story books, reminiscence , picture books and much more. As well as benefiting the user, the gifts also benefit the carer as they can get a well deserved break whilst the person they care for enjoys the activity. The activities are great for people who live independently in their own home but are equally good for care homes, day centre's and hospital's. Details can be found at or email

Care Charts UK

Care Charts UK has developed a range of products to assist in the care of people unable to communicate their own needs, helping to improve the quality of life of careworkers as well as those they care for. The not-for-profit social enterprise was established by Zoe Harris in the light of her husband’s experience with dementia, and the multi-award-winning Remember-I’m-Me Care Charts are now used by over 800 care homes throughout the UK as well as increasing numbers of hospitals. Details can be found at:

The ExtraCare Charitable Trust

The ExtraCare Charitable Trust enables older people to enjoy a healthier, active and more independent lifestyle in a network of inspirational communities that represent a modern alternative to the traditional care or nursing home. The Charity operates 14 retirement villages and 17 smaller housing developments across the Midlands and the North. Each ExtraCare resident can expect a safe, secure future, renting or buying a spacious and affordable home with award-winning care and a wide range of social opportunities to enjoy.


Alzheimers progresses differently in different people. MedicAlert understands this and are able to help by providing a member record on a disc, specific to the individual. We also know that this is a very sensitive condition and not everyone with it knows they have it. We consider this and ensure that the text on their disc is worded in a way agreed with their carer so that the individual member has a record incorporating their specific needs. MedicAlert can also include emergency contact information in the members' record so that they are contacted in an emergency. To discover more about how MedicAlert can help you visit MEDICALERT

Counselling Directory

Counselling Directory provides a huge support network of counsellors, allowing visitors to find a counsellor in their area them and appropriate for their needs. Furthermore the website features a wealth of advice and guidance pages on a wide ranging number of concerning issues. Contact:

Please let us know if you have other useful links and organisations to add in here!